Electrical testing is an extremely broad term that covers many different areas of inspection of systems that use electrical currents to flow. Electrical testing ensures that several different aspects of the electrical system are in proper working.
First, it makes sure that systems work the way they are supposed to, as in the case of RCD testing.
Second, it ensures a safe work environment free of unnecessary risks, as in the case of smoke detector maintenance and testing.
Thirdly, it ensures that an employer complies sufficiently with regulatory standards to avoid regulatory penalties from non-compliance, negligence, or unsafe work environments.s.
Types of Electrical Testing
There are several different kinds of testing, depending on the type of electrical equipment you use, and the various risk associated with that kind of equipment.
RCD testing: RCD Testing handles the electrical testing of residual current devices, which shut down electrical current when they detect an imbalance in current flow. They do this extremely quickly, to reduce the risk of cardiac failure as a result of direct exposure to high-voltage currents.
Smoke detector testing: Fire safety is a huge concern anywhere electrical currents are involved. Electrical fire is one of the most common forms of workplace disaster that lead to the loss of life and the destruction of property. Proper smoke detector maintenance and testing can be performed to a degree by you or your employees, but to really make sure that your smoke detectors are performing their tasks well, turn to a professional like Jim’s Test and Tag for the best service available. The right time to address fire safety is before a disaster takes place, and a professional company like this can make sure you’re up to safety standards and protected from dangerous and destructive fires.
Portable Appliance Testing: Portable appliance testing is a requirement in many work environments, and it covers everything from heavy electrical machinery to simple things like computers. Extensive government requirements surround the proper testing of this equipment, so professional help is the best way to ensure that you are where you need to be with your portable appliance testing.
These are but a few of the various areas of electrical testing that you’ll have to do as part of your occupational health and safety requirements. There are plenty more, and Jim’s Test and Tag can help you take care of all of them, effectively and efficiently.
What This Means to You
This means that you, as the employer or safety professional in charge of ensuring electrical safety and functionality, must be up to date on the standards of electrical safety as required by the Standards in AS/NZ 3170 and the other associated Standards that pertain to electrical safety and testing.
Use Jim’s Test and Tag
When it comes to effective electrical testing, Jim’s Test and Tag combines a genuine concern for reducing workplace incidents of electrical shock leading to injury or death with industry expertise that leaves its competitors far behind. When you need electrical test solutions that work well and cost-effectively, no company will serve you better than Jim’s Test and Tag.