The quaint town of Doveton is truly a wonderful place to call home. Everything is within arms reach. The fresh Dandenong ranges, the glistening bay, the city, all the lifestyles you could ever want to be bundled together. Including your very own Jims test and tag Doveton. For all your fire safety and test and tag needs, your local experts at Jim’s are the ones to call. So get in touch at 131 546 today!
Which appliances do I need to test and tag?
It might surprise you how many things near you right now need to be tested and tagged. From a toaster to a kettle, to a spaceship to a video game controller, the danger of faulty electronics are everywhere. Test and tag services can be applied to all electrical appliances. Through PAT and RCD testing, you can ensure that your business or household are safe from preventable hazards.
Why should you test and tag?
Testing and tagging your equipment has many benefits. Not only does it ensure electrical safety, but it can help lengthen your equipment life, save you on insurance costs and prevent any workplace fines.
There are many advantages of testing and tagging your electrical equipment. So call the professionals that can do it for you! Call Doveton’s Jim’s test and tag at 131 546 today or fill out the form below!