Fire Testing in Sydney

Causes of fire

Staying informed on the increasingly rapid change in legislative compliance for testing is difficult, to the say the least. For this reason, it’s important to hire a service provider that can handle all of your fire testing needs in Sydney with expertise and comprehensive service.

Our Services

As our client, we will not only make sure that your equipment is tested, we make sure that it is the correct type of fire safety equipment dependent upon your business. Just like people, different work places have different needs, and we get that. Our technicians can answer any and all questions about your safety equipment, keeping you informed and up to date.

We work hard to protect your business; after all, it’s a part of our livelihood too. This means that we keep meticulous record of your equipment, its testing, and we generate reports that meet requirements every single time. Our company works to keep your company…well, working.

Our Team

Jim’s Test and Tag has been at the forefront of equipment testing in Australia for over 10 years. We specialise in placing local servicemen with the knowledge and testing acumen to effectively manage the safety of your equipment. Not only are our technicians licensed, insured, and expertly trained, but they’re certified to work with the specialised equipment that your business carries. To put it simply, our team’s got you covered.

Contact Us

Give us a call today, and one of our customer service representatives will get started on a consultation specified for your business and your needs. With Jim’s, we’ve always got you covered.

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