Fire Safety Services in Yandina

Fire Safety | Fire hose reel testing

fire safety services Yandina

Get in touch with our fire safety services Yandina team today for a complete range of safety testing services for your business. At Jim’s Test & Tag Yandina, our technicians are trained to a certificate 2 level and are FPAS accredited (FPAA scheme). We ensure that all of our team members adhere to the current national safety inspection standards.

Fire Extinguisher Testing

Fire extinguishers need to be tested at least once every six months. This testing must be compliant with the AS 1851:2012 standard for the routine service of fire protection systems and equipment. We work to this standard when we inspect fire hose reels and fire blankets. Every 5 years, a pressure test and refill must be conducted by a qualified individual. Contact us now for all of your fire extinguisher inspection requirements.

Fire Hose Reel Testing

Ask the fire safety services Yandina team to visit your property today and test your fire hose reel. Fire hose reels are an essential first line of defence when confronted with a class A fire (that is, fires that are fuelled by paper, wood and rubber). Fire hose reels need to unwind with ease and discharge a steady flow of water to act as effective firefighting equipment. Contact us today for professional inspection services.

Fire Blanket Testing

If you own or operate a business that uses cooking equipment or an open flame, you will need a fire blanket installed and maintained on the premises. Ask one of our technicians to check the condition of your blanket, make sure it is in an accessible place, and ensure that the blanket can easily be removed from the packaging. Fire blankets are designed to smother class F fires, but they can also be wrapped around a person who is aflame. Call us now and make sure your blanket is going to work during an emergency.

Emergency Light Testing

Our fire safety services Yandina team are trained to test and inspect emergency evacuation lighting systems. This includes emergency lights and exit signs. Every six months, one of our technicians will complete a 90-minute discharge test to ensure your back up batteries are functioning correctly.

Free Reminder Service

We don’t expect you to remember a 6-monthly interval, so we have a free reminder service that sends out a notification when your next test is due. This will help to ensure that you remain compliant with the current emergency light standards. Contact us today for a FREE QUOTE and a chat with your local Yandina technician. Your safety is our business.


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