Imagine for a second you are sitting at your desk and all the power was cut to the premises. For people inside your workplace, it could be a frightening or dangerous experience – especially if there were no exit signs or emergency exit lights to help them evacuate safely.
It is a legislative 6 Monthly Requirement for employers to undertake emergency exit lights testing throughout the workplace. Jim’s Test & Tag can assist in ensuring your emergency exit lights are working by performing professional emergency exit light testing in Mooloolah to certify these essential signs are in working order.This ensures that your employees and visitors are able to exit a dangerous situation as safely as possible. We can test your emergency exit lights, Discharge Testing to AS/NZS 2293.2:2013, test and tag all of your electrical appliances and conduct safety switch checks – making sure your workplace is as safe as it can possibly be when it comes to electricity.
Call us today to organise a Jim’s Test & Tag emergency exit lights specialist to visit your workplace in Mooloolah.
Jim’s Test & Tag is a national organisation that is committed to assisting businesses in the provision of a safe work place. We are a part of the Jim’s Group of businesses led by Jim Penman, one of Australia’s most recognised entrepreneurs.
The Jim’s Group has a structured format aimed at ensuring each level provides maximum service to their customers. The Divisional Franchisor directs the operations of the Franchise and supports the Regional Franchisors. The Regional Franchisor directs the business in their area and in turn supports their Franchisees. Customers of a Jim’s Test & Tag franchisee have the backing of the franchisee’s franchisor, the divisional franchisor and the Jim’s Group.
Emergency Exit Lights – Discharge Testing
Testing of emergency and exit lighting systems in Mooloolah is conducted in accordance with AS/NZS 2293.2:2013. Our technicians will conduct an emergency lighting discharge test and record results in your on-site logbook.
First Aid Kits
Jim’s Test & Tag are able to supply and maintain your first aid kits.
Inspection and Testing & Tagging of Electrical Appliances
Jim’s Test & Tag can come to your business and undertake a full inspection and test of all appliances to ensure they are fully compliant with safety standards, helping you to discharge your duty of care for National estate regulations and, more importantly, provide a safe place for your employees and your customers.
Emergency Exit Lights Globe Supply and Replacement
Poor lighting can impact your employee’s health and well being. Jim’s Test & Tag is able to conduct a regular globe replacement program to ensure adequate lighting. We are also able to dispose of your globes in an environmentally friendly way and in accordance with local legislation.
Microwave Radiation Leakage & Power Output
Microwave radiation leakage and microwave power output tests ensure that your microwave is not leaking dangerous radiation and that it is heating food to the correct temperatures. The power output test is especially important for the food industry.
Saftey Switch (RCD) Testing
Residual Current Devices – Safety Switches. Our test process includes a ‘push button’ and ‘trip time’ test to help ensure that these devices provide the necessary protection.