Construction Site Safety Checklist

Risk assessment - Electrical test and tag standards


construction site safety checklist
Construction statistics for NSW. Source: SafeWork NSW

In 2016, there were 23 fatalities on construction sites in Australia. As of November 2017, we’ve had 7 deaths on construction sites around the nation. Even one fatality is too many. To minimise the chance of tragedy on your work site, make sure you adhere to a strict construction site safety checklist.

At Jim’s Test & Tag, we focus on electrical safety. Our technicians work hard to help minimise risks on work sites across Australia.  Our PAT test services are designed to serve temporary work sites where portable equipment is in use. Take a look at our testing services and secure your site today.

Site Inspection Checklist Templates

Your construction site safety checklist will vary based on your location. Although each state has specific rules and regulations, they have one united aim – to keep your workers safe. Compliance with local rules will help your organisation avoid unnecessary accidents and penalties for negligence.

To help you manage your workplace safety requirements, we’ve collected all the best resources from each state.

Check out the links below for a local guide to your construction site safety requirements.

Site Inspection Report – Worksafe Queensland

Construction Work Code of Practice – NSW Government WorkCover

WorkSafe Victoria Construction Site Checklists

Safety Inspection and Testing of Electrical Equipment on Construction Sites – NT WorkSafe

Templates and Tools for Safety in Construction – WorkSafe Tasmania

SafeWork SA – Construction

Construction Work Code of Practice – WorkSafe ACT

Approved Guidance Notes for Risk Management – WorkSafe WA

Construction safety rules are comprehensive because of the high-risk environment. There are simply more hazards on a work site when compared with other workplaces (like offices). There are some key areas that you can keep in mind before you start working your way through a construction site safety checklist.

Key Focus Points

Every state has detailed legislation regarding workplace safety on construction sites. Although all states will differ, you can be sure that every site manager must take into account the following key areas:

Risk Management

All risks must be assessed prior to commencing work. Once a risk has been identified, a management plan must be implemented to minimise or remove the risk. This includes electrical safety testing and management of construction materials.

Restrict site access

Make sure that unauthorised personnel cannot access the worksite. Workers should go through a safety induction prior to commencement, so anyone who access the site should be inducted first.

Safe work method statement

According to SafeWork NSW, if you carry out high-risk construction work, you must prepare a SWMS prior to commencing work.

Workplace training

Every worker needs to go through a safety induction before they start working on site. Each worker should then receive a card to verify induction.

At Jim’s Test & Tag, we can help you minimise electrical risks on your worksite. PAT testing is our primary service for businesses in the construction industry.

What is PAT?

Portable appliance testing (PAT) involves the inspection and examination of mobile electrical equipment. Any unfixed device that plugs in needs PAT.  On construction sites, we test and tag electrical appliances according to the AS 3012:2010 standard. The standard dictates that all electrical equipment is tested at least once every 3 months. Coloured tags will be attached to each appliance – the colour will vary based on the time of year the test is completed. Want to know more about test and tag colours? Check out our other blog post!

After you get your equipment tested, you’ll receive a test report with all the results. This will help you maintain and record compliance on your work site.

Call us now on 131 546 to get a FREE QUOTE or fill in the online form today. Your safety is our business.

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